martes, 8 de agosto de 2023


Carmen: Hi Andrew, how are you?

Andrew: Hi Carmen, I'm fine, and you?


Carmen: I'm glad Andrew, how have you been in college?

Andrew: Very good Carmen, I'm almost done with my civil engineering degree, I'm in an internship period.

Carmen: Oh, that's great Andrew, you're close to getting your college degree, I'm so glad.

Andrew: Yes, I'm very happy, thank you. And how are you doing in college, in which semester are you going?

Carmen: I'm doing very well, I'm already in the second semester of surgical instrumentation

Andrew: Oh, that's great Carmen, I hope you can achieve all your goals

Carmen: Thank you very much Andrew, I hope to achieve everything and not fall into the attempt.

Andrew: That's how you speak Carmen!, give me a hug.

Carmen: Andrew, What will you do on your December vacation?

Andrew: Hmm, my family is planning for us to go to my uncle's farm, it's in another city, we'll spend Christmas and New Year there. 

Carmen: Oh that sounds like so much fun Andrew.

Andrew: Yes it's very funny. And what will you do on your December vacation Carmen? 

Carmen: Well, like every year, I'll be at home with my family, I won't go out, but I'll have a great Christmas and New Year at home.

Andrew: Yes I hope you have a great time.

Carmen: Thank you very much Andrew.

Andrew: Well, I think it's time to go, we'll talk later, have a good time at university. 

Carmen: Thanks Andrew, I hope your internship period goes well for you!

Andrew: Thank you very much Carmen, say hello to your grandmother. Bye bye.

Carmen: Bye bye Andrew!.

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